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The method used in this research is one group pretest posttest. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of health education about hand washing with the hand washing dance method on the ability to wash hands in elementary school children at SDN 3 Lembah, Babadan District, Ponorogo Regency. A health education about hand washing is needed that is in accordance with the character of simple children, can develop aspects of learning and develop the ability/potential of students, namely hand washing dance. SURAT PERSETUJUAN UNGGAH KARYA ILMIAH.pdfĬhildren of school age is a period when children are vulnerable to various diseases, which are generally related to clean and healthy living behavior, one of which is washing hands. Text (SURAT PERSETUJUAN UNGGAH KARYA ILMIAH) Skripsi (S1) thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo.

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To solve the teachers' problems, it is pursued in three stages of activities, namely workshop/ training, mentoring, and reflection/ refinement which are packaged in the form of Teacher Working Group (KKG) of Madrasah lesson study.EFEKTIVITAS PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN TENTANG CUCI TANGAN DENGAN METODE HAND WASHING DANCE TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN CUCI TANGAN PADA ANAK SD DI SDN 3 LEMBAH, KECAMATAN BABADAN, KABUPATEN PONOROGO. As the follow-up of this activities, the further targets for the next training will be the first graders and sixth graders in academic year 2017-2018 school year. This training was held at MI Al Abrar Makassar invloved 18 teachers of first grade 1 to sixth grade. Therefore, this learning media will help learning activities and students can achieve maximum results.

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With word wall media, students will be triggered to be more active, enthusiastic in learning language, especially learning vocabulary which is considered difficult. This training is expected to inspire teachers about various types of word media (word wall) and how to use them to develop students' vocabulary mastery which has an impact on students' reading and writing skills.

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These puroses are based on the problems faced by teachers of MI Al Abrar Makassar that students' understanding of the vocabulary at each grade level is still far from ideal or still under the minimum that students must have which causes them quite difficult to achieve a basic curriculum competency and there are still inadequate levels of teaching skills, especially classroom management skills, skills in choosing and using strategies and also skills in making or developing vocabulary learning media of teachers in MI Al Abrar Makassar. The purposeof this activity is to open up the teacher's insight that vocabulary mastery in students is very important to sustain their success in learning and to train teachers to design/ create word wall media with variations and use it interestingly in teaching students.

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